Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Analysis of Dart Types

There are 4 typical dart types sold commercially for use in Nerf guns. This will be a quick analysis and definition of these four types in terms of how they will factor into the project.

First off is the Suction Dart, two of which are represented above by the blue tipped darts. These darts are the most numerous and widely distributed type among most commercial products and are usually included with most guns that don't utilize Streamlines. While all the other dart types are essentially exclusively produced by Hasbro through Nerf, most other toy companies also produce suction darts as well, though in somewhat different sizes. Suction darts have averaging flight lengths, sometimes flying less than streamlines, but are generally more reliable.
Steamline Darts, shown above as the orange tipped dart were created specifically for use in Nerf's clip-system guns. They're shaped to be able to fit into the mechanisms inside the clip-system guns because the reverse plunger assembly restricts the size of the heads. These darts often lose accuracy over longer ranges as the smaller head size impacts the dart's aerodynamics and weight.
Whistler Darts, are not shown above, however they have the same basic characteristics of Velcro Darts, which are shown by the orange and black tipped dart. Whistlers simply have no velcro attached to the tip. These darts have the best flight characteristics out of the dart types as the hole cut into the head sides for the whistle imparts a spin on the darts as they travel, allowing for more accuracy and longer range.

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